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Harness Your Inner Goddess

Well, it's about time my solo album made it's entrance into the world. It's been a while since the last endeavor with 'Smokeywine the Duo' but this one's just for me. The first song and the title track 'Anything Goes' tells the story of my life and marriage to the wonderful and talented Mark Sheldan and the last song 'Fearless Dreamer' wishes for what life could truly be. I wrote the songs, played multiple instruments on them and recorded it all in our den. It was fun, challenging and mind blowing. I learned how to program drums; I even played harmonica and lead guitar. There were so many good songs to choose from; I would have put 20 on the CD but people (you guys) said that's too much. So I cut it down to 16 wonderful ditties about love, loss and dancing. Please enjoy listening to my music and make the world a better place with your happy face!

Anything Goes CD drops September 1st, 2018

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