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Snowflake In A Storm

Acrylic on Canvas by Mark Sheldan

Here's a dark contrast to some of the upbeat, joyous tunes we've been throwing at you. This folk ballad has you drifting without reason through an emotional ride where nothing makes sense and yet everything makes sense. It's about a cold and lonely time in Mark's life as he sat on the back porch at the Albion Ranch, comparing himself to the snowflakes that tumbled aimlessly in the twilight. I loved the song so much, I had to record it. It's a bit out of season but somehow, these chilly Julember mornings make it appropriate for today. BRRRRR.

Behold the big snowflake dump we had on our street two winters ago. I miss that Aztek. As you can surmise from the last photo, both houses have been demolished, a giant new one is going up and now we both drive Kias. How times have changed.

Click the play arrow below to hear a guitar ragtime ditty by Mark Sheldan.

Using the chord progression: C E A D G C with some embellishments, Mark is demonstrating a simple ragtime guitar song. He does some great finger-picking using his thumb and two fingers. For more videos and tips about music theory, visit his Music Made Easy page on his website: He has a new clip on his PROBLEM SOLVED page that may tickle your funny bone.

Here are some pics to remind you of what spring flowers look like. LOL. Sure it's pretty green and lush out there, but I'll take sunshine over rain any day! Silver lining? I don't have to water the garden and it's a good day to bake some rhubarb muffins. Getting back to the new release, Snowflake In a Storm, you'll get to hear me play a sweet vibraphone on the electric piano that mirrors Mark on the bass. The soft piano stylings take you gently by the hand and lead you down the path of winter images, cold feelings and heartbreak. There's a trace of hope in the desolate lyrics, which I gently twisted from the original to make it my own. Recorded during the Covid-19 lockdown, we only had the two of us to make it work, so it's stripped down to barebones and wrapped in a heart of gold. It holds a definite spot on our upcoming Smokeywine Christmas album.

Two In The Bush

Our listeners have grown! People in places I've never been to are tuned in: Lima-Peru, Labrador, Sweden, Chile, Hong Kong, Argentina, Vietnam, L.A, Auckland-New Zealand and even Paris-France! I'd like to thank you all for supporting organic, homegrown music and local artists. If I never get to Paris at least one song visited. Next challenge: more viewers to watch Smokeywine Live on Tuesday nights at 6 PM PST on FB.

Out for Dinner Selfie -before the Pandemic

Until next time, keep on keeping on and remember to Love, Laugh and Dance! ~*.*~ Lea

To hear 'Snowflake In a Storm' right now, click on the link below: lyrics will be there.


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